Citi Bike in New York City

Citi Bike is a bike rental program that allows each biker to undock a bike at a Citi Bike station, ride it for as long as his/her pass is valid, then redock the bike at any Citi Bike station in his/her destination. And it offers different pricing options, depending on how often one wants to use the Citi Bike. This page attempts to get some insights into how people in New York City used Citi Bike in 2018: Who uses Citi Bike? Where do people go when they use Citi Bike? What does Citi Bike station traffic flow look like on any given day in 2018?

The 2018 data is downloadable from Citi Bike's System Data website and is visualised here using Tableau Public.

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Destinations Demographic Station Traffic About

When and the where did people use Citi Bike?

Busiest month: June 2018. Slowest month: January 2018.
Most Citi Bike trips started and ended in the same borough.
Pershing Square North was the busiest Citi Bike station in New York City in 2018.
Manhattan had the most Citi Bike trips among the New York City boroughs.

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Who used Citi Bike?

Majority gender group: Male.
Majority age group: 26–30 year old.
Majority user type: Subscribers.
Female Citi Bike riders had longer trips than their males counterparts.
Trip origins were mostly similar between males and females across age groups.

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How to improve supply allocation in Citi Bike stations?

There were more days in 2018 in which more bikes were returned than were taken out.
Net station outflow: Uptown Manhattan, Jersey City, Queens, and Brooklyn. May need more frequent bike replenishment.
Net station inflow: Midtown and Downtown Manhattan. May need more docking stations.

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